URGENT ! Sponsor a tabliczka in the largest Jewish project ever on 13 km ! Get your logo on a 60×50 cm plate or write a short sentence in memory of your family. Each tabliczka costs 970 Euros. Thank you !

The huge Jewish cemetery needs a weeding every 3 months. The herbs grow so fast !
Adopt a matzeva for 54 Euros per month and be blessed !

URGENT ! Finance the 2 large Jewish educational panels in the heart of the city ! Only 870 Euros needed before May 2022

Give the students of Radomsko the chance to participate to many events of the ”Kesselman Museum in Radomsko” ! Activities require buses, printing, costums, food. Teaching Judaism, the Holocaust and bases of Hebrew and Yiddish requires a special teacher.

Participate in the signalization of the boundaries of the ghetto by paving stones of a distinct color so as never to forget !

Radomsko more than any other city in Poland, with its unique Jewish Open Air Museum in the whole city, deserves a Jewish Festival during summer time. Help us to finance it. Dream BIG !

You are interested in engraving your name in the most sacred Jewish buildings in Radomsk ?
Contact the President of the Museum, Rachel Lea Kesselman, for more information.

*I contribute to the “Kesselman Museum in Radomsko” through ”Yiddele’ Memory”s Organization
with a donation of :
- 54 Euros monthly : adopt a matzeva !
- 90 Euros : finance an activity for the youth
- 260 Euros : add a golden paving stone to the boundary of the ghetto
- 970 Euros : change one tabliczka (or more…)
- Other amount : become a Benefactor or the ”Kesselman Museum in Radomsko”
*I confirm my participation to Rachel Lea Kesselman by e-mail : rk@kesselman-museum-radomsko.org
and I donate to ”the Kesselman Museum in Radomsko” Foundation on its Polish bank account or via Paypal transfer
to Yiddele’ Memory’s French bank account. The amount will be sent to the KMR bank account in Poland:

”The Kesselman Museum in Radomsko”,
Foundation: ul.Batorego 18, 97-500 Radomsko, Poland
BNP Bank, ul.Reymonta 19, 97-500 Radomsko, Poland
*In Euros: PL93160014621807111300000003, BIC/SWIFT : PPABPLPK
*In zlotys: PL50160014621807111300000001, BIC/SWIFT : PPABPLPK